Intro to Fiddling (Annual)

Programs (Annual)
Intro to Fiddling (Annual)
We believe kids are motivated to learn and grow as musicians when they are inspired by the music and the social setting where it happens. This is why our programs begin with Celtic music! At the heart of the Celtic music tradition is the idea of getting together and sharing music. What better way to make music fun?

*Please remember to order your performance wear during registration.*
Date range: From 08-01-2024 to 03-31-2025
Single Payment
Payment schedule: Aug 1
C$700.00 Annually
Member type: standard
Subgroup: Intro to Fiddling
Two Payments
Payment schedule: Aug 1 / Dec 1
C$350.00 Every 4 Months
Member type: standard
Subgroup: Intro to Fiddling

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